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What is camera module anti automobile electric ignition interference

author:admin time:2020-11-02 hits:1846
What is camera module anti automobile electric ignition interference
4.10 enclosure protection level :

The enclosure protection grade of recorder host shall meet the requirements of IP43 in GB 4208.

After the test, the data communication function of the recorder shall be normal, and the data stored before the test shall not be lost.

4.11 anti automobile electric ignition interference

When the recorder interferes with the electric ignition of automobile, there should be no abnormal phenomenon. The data recording function, display function and print output function should be normal.

4.12 electrostatic discharge immunity

During and after the test, there should be no electrical fault, the data recording function should be normal, and the data stored before the test should not be lost; during the test, the display and print output functions are allowed to appear abnormal phenomenon, but the function should return to normal after the test.

4.13 transient immunity

During and after the test, there should be no electrical fault, the data recording function should be normal, and the data stored before the test should not be lost; during the test, the display and print output functions are allowed to appear abnormal phenomenon, but the function should return to normal after the test.

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