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Visible near infrared image camera module monitors the image quality of recording and playback

author:admin time:2021-02-20 hits:2096

Visible near infrared image camera module monitors the image quality of recording and playback

The test and evaluation of DVR image quality in this standard adopts the method of combining subjective evaluation with objective test. The objective test adopts the digital video quality evaluation method based on feature extraction (its principle is shown in Appendix C). The method specified in Gy / T 134-1998 or GB / T 7401-1987 is adopted for subjective evaluation. The description of subjective evaluation index is shown in Appendix A. the subjective evaluation index system is shown in Table 2 or / and table 3 of 10.2.3 of this standard. The qualification criteria of subjective evaluation are shown in Appendix B.

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